What is Predictive Index?

PI assessments help you identify behavioral patterns and cognitive ability in your current staff and people you are looking to hire.

This helps you:

  • Make informed hires

  • Optimize your current talent

  • Create a better work culture

  • Inspire people in your company

  • Increase productivity by 34%

Everything we see is cast by a shadow of that which we do not see.

Don’t react to behaviors

When you react to behaviors you are guessing what that person needs and what drives them.

This creates:

  • Tension in the workplace

  • Low performance

  • Poor hiring

  • High turnover

Predict behaviors

PI helps you understand people’s drives and needs so you can predict their behaviors.

  • Measure what drives people

  • Predict what they need

  • Predict their behavior

PI assessments are used by thousands of companies all over the world,

and to date, over 18 million job candidates have taken them.

Increase productivity

When you know what drives someone you are able to optimize your team and find the right people to add to your team.

Companies that optimize their talent see a 34% percent increase in their companies’ productivity.

Get your free reference profile report.

In this free PDF you’ll learn about the 17 different PI profiles.

Start optimizing your team and unlock the full potential of PI today - email sales@sharpertalent.net

Start optimizing your talent with Predictive Index today.

Sharper Talent is a PI Certified Partner and can help you get the most out of Predictive Index.

Schedule a call today and start optimizing your talent.

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